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Aruna Batra,. Head of the Department. Department of Obstactric and Gynecology,. Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Page 5. 5. LEIOMYOMA UTERUS/FIBROMYOMA/FIBROID ChickenpoxinPregnancy2007.pdf. 21. Carroll SGM. Green-top Guideline No. 44 Preterm Prelabour. Rupture of Membranes [Internet]. was the National guidelines for Obstetric and Perinatal care -2004 and the EOC guidelines for Kenya. KOGS - Kenya Obstetrical and Gynecological Society.CLINICAL TREATMENT GUIDELINES - GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. 03. The guidelines presented in this document are designed to provide a. PDF | Evidence-based medicine aims to translate scientific research into good medical However, in the area of acute obstetrics and gynaecology, where. Medication Guidelines for Obstetrics and Gynaecology. First Edition. Volume 1. Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines. January 2017. (amended Sept 2017) Manual removal of placenta under Ultrasound guidance. 2. Suction and evacuation. C. In case of vaginal or cervical laceration or uterine rupture: 1. Patient Our guidelines present recognised methods and techniques for clinical practice, based on published evidence, for consideration by obstetricians/gynaecologists The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' key objective is to set standards to improve women's health. It has been producing guidelines and
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